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Intellectual Property

Surfing the Innovation wave

Much like surfers, true R&D leaders can seamlessly ride the waves of new technologies as they appear and maximise the value of each innovation. Solving problems with technology because it creates value, not because its novel. A flow-state of progress


Suffering from SucCES - A Synopsis of the Consumer Electronics Show 2024

Navigating the fast-paced, ever-changing landscape of technology is no easy task for R&D leaders. Discover how the power of AI not only helps keep pace with advancements but also augments human expertise, unlocking new horizons in innovation and progress.


Sustainability Spotlight: PEF's Potential in a Polymer World

Dive into the world of Polyethylene Furanoate (PEF), as we explore this bio-based polymer that's making waves with its superior barrier properties and environmental benefits. From promising applications to potential hurdles, get a comprehensive understanding of PEF's role in the future of sustainable material solutions.

Luxury Goods

The Complex Challenge of Material Sourcing in Luxury Goods

The luxury goods sector, known for its stringent quality standards and opulent appeal, faces a daunting challenge in aligning with environmental sustainability, particularly in meeting Scope 2 and 3 emissions criteria. These scopes, part of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, extend beyond direct emissions (Scope 1) to include indirect emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2) and all other indirect emissions across a company's value chain (Scope 3).

Luxury Goods

The Little Gem That Could: Lab-Grown Diamonds are Transforming the Luxury Rulebook

Discover the revolution in the diamond industry as lab-grown gems promise to deliver a more ethical and sustainable future - combining luxury, technology, and conscientious consumption.

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